Fighting to include local voices in environmental policy making in Brazil

Autor: Raoni Rajão

Resumo: Local voices and opinions are seen as important in formulating environmental policies, but in reality oral accounts, metaphors and symbols play only a marginal role, while scientific representations still dominate. This problem is deeply rooted in governance discourses that value satellite imagery and other scientific data above local views and experience. This paper focuses on policy-making… leia mais

Representations and discourses: the role of local accounts and remote sensing in the formulation of Amazonia’s environmental policy

Autor: Raoni Rajão

Resumo: This paper discusses the dynamics behind the establishment of scientific representations (e.g. reports, measurements, experiments) to the detriment of local representations (e.g. oral accounts, metaphors, symbols) in environmental policy-making in the Global South. To this end, the paper attempts to understand why local accounts of the Amazon in recent decades have gradually been replaced by… leia mais

On the pragmatics of inscription: Detecting deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

Autor: Raoni Rajão, Theo Vurdubakis

Resumo: ‘Methods’ and their devices have been conventionally viewed as the means through which the move from world to representation (and back again) might be reliably performed. An alternative view, perhaps most clearly exemplified by the post-ANT empirical programme of ‘material semiotics’, sees methods and devices as integral to the ways particular ‘realities’ are enacted in practices of inscription… leia mais