Brazil’s market for trading forest certificates

Autores: Britaldo Soares-Filho, Raoni Rajão, Frank Merry, Hermann Rodrigues, Juliana Davis, Letícia Lima, Marcia Macedo, Michael Coe, Arnaldo Carneiro, Leonardo Santiago

Resumo: Brazil faces an enormous challenge to implement its revised Forest Code. Despite big losses for the environment, the law introduces new mechanisms to facilitate compliance and foster payment for ecosystem services (PES). The most promising of these is a market for trading forest certificates (CRAs) that allows landowners to offset their restoration obligations by paying… leia mais

Boundary work in climate policy making in Brazil: Reflections from the frontlines of the science-policy interface

Autores: Felipe Nunes, Raoni Rajão, Britaldo Soares-Filho

Resumo: Despite challenges to the authority and legitimacy of science as a neutral representation of the world, expert advisors are playing an increasingly central role in environmental policy-making in both the Global North and South. This article explores the science-policy interface, based on the experience of the main author as a scientist and policy-maker at FEAM, a state-level environmental… leia mais

Projeto Radam:(Re) Descobrindo o Projeto de Sensoriamento Remoto Aplicado ao Mapeamento da Amazônia/Radam Project:(Re) Discovering the Remote Sensoring Project Applied to the Mapping of the Amazon

Autores: Guilherme de Freitas Borges, Raoni Rajão

Resumo: Conhecer a fundo o território de uma nação é um passo importante para se conseguir a manutenção da segurança nacional e contribuir para o desenvolvimento. O primeiro esforço significativo de um levantamento do território brasileiro ocorreu em meados dos governos militares e ficou conhecido como projeto RADAM. Este projeto, apesar da sua notoriedade, relevância e grande… leia mais

Between Indians and “cowboys”: the role of ICT in the management of contradictory self-images and the production of carbon credits in the Brazilian Amazon

Autores: Raoni Rajão, Camilla Marcolino

Resumo: In this paper, we draw upon Goffman’s symbolic interactionism to analyze the ways in which new users in developing countries have adopted ICT to present and manage contradictory self-images to different groups of the public. In particular, we show that the Acapú, an indigenous group in the Amazon, present themselves through online videos and websites as ideal Indians: innate forest stewards… leia mais